Our initiative

Rural economic empowerment through access to reliable electricity

The Energy for Rural Start-Ups initiative is a joint venture between Caritas Switzerland and Power-Blox AG, pioneering rural electrification in Ethiopia. Partnering with local entities, it integrates experiences from other African regions. Utilizing Swiss-developed Powerblox (PBX) swarm battery technology, the initiative aims to provide last-mile connections to off-grid rural households, bridging gaps between solar home systems and larger mini-grids, thus accelerating governmental electrification plans. In its first phase (June 2023 – January 2024), 87 Powerblox were installed, empowering 14 micro-enterprises, 2 cooperatives, and 6 public institutions in the rural off-grid areas of Goba, Medawolabu Oborso, Arero, and Teltele woredas of Bale, East Borana, and East zones of Oromia Region, Southern Ethiopia. Beyond electrifying businesses, it piloted new energy-driven business models, diversified revenue streams, and electrified neighbouring households. With a remarkable 92% payback rate within 10 months, the initiative highlights how reliable electricity access fosters economic growth, household resilience, and social inclusion. Scaling up, the initiative aims to install 7,000 Powerblox, electrify 100,000 households and 1,000 health centres, and empower 5,000 SMEs, transitioning towards a private sector-driven electrification rollout. Upon achieving this scale, a sustainable financing and operational model, including post-sales support, will ensure long-term impact and success.

Our approach

Rural electrification with nano-grids

Our approach consists of primarily electrifying micro and small enterprises (MSEs) to expand their business operations, enabling extended business hours and additional service delivery to walk-in customers, nearby businesses, and private households. Whereas initially, Powerblox owners invest in operating their core business, excess energy is allocated to private use and further income diversification through household electrification via nano-grids.

After an initial individual down payment to access the technology, a lease-to-own model enables MSEs, public institutions, and private investors to pay back the Powerblox and take full ownership of the technology after an average payback period of 10-12 months.

Access to Powerblox uplifts MSEs, cooperatives, public institutions, and marginalized groups, offering multiple income opportunities and ways to improve service delivery in the public education and health sectors. Literally anyone can become an energy service provider and nano-grid operator, actively contributing to Ethiopia’s electrification strategy.

Our vision

We want to become a key player supporting Ethiopia’s national electrification plan. We focus on rural Ethiopia. We provide a solid technological solution that perfectly fits into and covers the whole the nano grid space, thus provides solutions for households, neighbourhoods, and small communities – for private as well as productive use. We offer technology and approach to fast-track rural electrification along with pathways for their future integration in larger mini-grid and public grid.

Mid-term ambition
  • Electrification of 100,000 HH, empowerment of 5,000 SME, electrification of 1,000 health centres by delivering 7,000 Powerblox
  • Halving the cost of HH electrification as compared conventional solar home systems
Our next steps

Our short-term objective is to scale to 600 PBX and successfully shift from NGO to full private business model.

Our achievements

Jobs created


Business operators


of which 36 are women

Co2 saved per month


PBXs installed






Public institutions


Schools & Health centers



Top 10 appliances/revenue streams:
  1. Lighting
  2. Mobile charging
  3. TV services and similar
  4. Laptops/desktops
  5. Audio tools
  6. Health centre appliances
  7. Printer/copy machines
  8. Barbershop
  9. Rechargeable lamps
  10. Rechargeable batteries
  11. Others

Powerblox owners


of which 35 are women

Jobs created


for income

Health centers

Average weekly energy savings: ETB 2,428 / USD 43
Average weekly patients benefitting from improved services: 1,134

Project overall

Lamps powered


for own use

Lamps powered


for income

Total lamps powered


Mobile phones charged per day

