Electrification with transformative nano-grid technology.
The Energy for Rural Start-Ups initiative is a joint venture between Caritas Switzerland and Power-Blox AG, pioneering rural electrification in Ethiopia. Utilizing Swiss-developed Powerblox (PBX) swarm battery technology, the initiative aims to provide last-mile connections to off-grid rural households, bridging gaps between solar home systems and larger mini-grids, thus accelerating governmental electrification plans.
The Powerblox (PBX)
The Swiss-developed PBX-200 swarm battery technology was specifically designed to address rural off-grid energy and energy storage challenges.
Empowering lives with cost-effective energy solutions
The EneRSU project, in its first phase, has empowered 16 micro-enterprises, 2 cooperatives, and 7 public institutions in the rural off-grid areas of Goba, Medawolabu, Oborso, Arero, and Teltele woredas of Bale, East Borana, and East zones of Oromia Region, Southern Ethiopia.
Jobs Created
The EneRSU Project has generated a total of 49 jobs, contributing to local employment and economic development.
Income Increment
Through enhanced access to electricity, income in the project regions has seen a significant increment, ranging from 4,930 to 77,555.
Co2 Saved per Month
The project has replaced 13 diesel generators and 6 gasoline generators, reducing environmental pollution and promoting sustainable energy practices.
"Before Powerblox, the only sources of electricity in the area were diesel generators and solar products that were priced at 2500-3000 ETB. However, the solar products had a maximum durability of only one year, which was quite inconvenient. Additionally, constantly obtaining oil for the generators was both expensive and challenging due to the travel costs involved."Mr. Gulfa, MSE Member in Borena, Taltele Woreda
Key achivements
Our initiative has achieved significant milestones in providing access to energy and promoting economic development in underserved areas.
Diverse Revenue Streams
The top 10 appliances and revenue streams include lighting, mobile charging, TV services, laptops/desktops, audio tools, health center appliances, printer/copy machines, barbershop, rechargeable lamps, rechargeable batteries, and others.
Our project has empowered 53 business operators, including 35 women, and created 49 additional jobs, contributing to the local economy and promoting gender equality.
Overall Impact
The project has powered a total of 531 lamps, with 242 for own use and 289 for income generation. Additionally, 1013 mobile phones are charged daily, further enhancing the quality of life for community members.