Impact Stories

Illuminating Family- Empowering women to build an empire

Number ofPBXs used



A remarkable cafe and breakfast service blossomed in just six months within Medawolabu woreda, Borana, Ethiopia. This family-run business, led by Mrs. Rabla, Mrs. Tayba, Mrs. Munisa, and their close friends, is more than just about delicious food; it’s a story of empowerment, family, and the transformative power of innovation.

Previously reliant on seasonal subsistence farming, which barely sustained their families, their lives changed dramatically with the arrival of the Powerblox (PBX) solar technology, obtained through Caritas Switzerland with a 50% subsidy. Four strategically placed PBX units illuminated not just their establishment but their vision for the future.

Reliable electricity empowered them to open three branches simultaneously, each offering a welcoming ambiance and a variety of services: a core cafe and breakfast service, mobile charging stations for customer convenience, barber shops fulfilling a community need, and even DSTV services transforming the cafes into vibrant social hubs.

Their ambition didn’t stop there. Recognizing an opportunity to diversify income and benefit the community, the women rented out light power units to a nearby shop and 18 households, extending the reach of reliable electricity.

This story transcends business success. Driven by a desire to build a legacy for their 17 children combined, Mrs. Rabla, Mrs. Tayba, and Mrs. Munisa have created a true family enterprise. Their husbands, traditionally focused on seasonal farming, have joined the venture during the off-season, and to meet growing demand, they’ve hired three unemployed youths, fostering opportunity within the community.

The cafe, a beacon of activity in the evenings, draws crowds and creates a lively atmosphere. This family-run business is a testament to collaboration, resourcefulness, and the unwavering dedication to securing a brighter future for generations to come. These women aren’t just building a business empire; they are illuminating the path for their families and their community.
