Impact Stories

Building cities with small businesses through a reliable energy source

Number of
PBXs used



A group of friends led by Mr. Ramadan, Mr. Tahir, and Mr. Sultan in Medawolabu Woreda, Ethiopia, were initially skeptical about a new solar technology called Powerblox (PBX) subsidized by Caritas Switzerland. Their small commodity shops provided a living, but limited opportunities for growth. The high price of the PBX-200 units made them question the quality, having seen cheap, unreliable solar products before.

However, after careful consideration and witnessing the success of similar projects, they decided to take a chance. Their investment, matched by a 50% subsidy from Caritas Switzerland, marked a turning point.

The first step was a strategic merger. Their individual shops became branches under a single micro and small enterprise umbrella. But the most significant change came in the form of diversified revenue streams:

Mobile Oasis: Gone are the days of limited charging options. Their shops now offer a vital service – charging mobile phones and other electronic devices for the community.

Light Power Rentals: Neighboring households can now rent light power units, extending the reach of reliable electricity.

The impact extends far beyond the shops’ walls. The success of the venture has translated into improved lives for the partners and their families. Access to food, clothing, and education has improved, and a new addition to their homes has brought joy and knowledge – televisions.

“We can now stay informed and entertained,” shared Mr. Tahir. “Our children are learning more about the world outside our community.”

The extended shop hours, fueled by reliable Powerblox (PBX) power, have fostered a new social dynamic. People gather in the evenings, transforming the area into a vibrant hub. This micro-enterprise haven’t gone it alone. Collaborating with Rabla, Tayiba, and Munisa’s cafe and breakfast house, Bidimo school, and the local mosque, they’ve created a thriving center of activity, open for business and socializing well into the night.

Eight months in, the initial skepticism surrounding the Powerblox (200) has vanished. The system’s reliability and affordability have not only proven their worth but have also fueled the success of Mr. Ramadan, Mr. Tahir, Mr. Sultan, and their associates. This innovative approach to solar power is illuminating not just their shops, but their lives and the future of their community.
