Impact Stories

From Dim Bulbs to 24/7 Care: Powerblox (PBX) Lights Up Healthcare in Remote Ethiopian Village

Number of
PBXs used



For over a decade, the Kulcha health center in Kulcha kebele, Ethiopia, has served as a vital resource for over 31,000 people. However, keeping the lights on, especially at night, was a constant challenge. Imagine delivering a baby by unreliable light or relying on a costly and noisy diesel generator – a hefty 70,000 Ethiopian birr a quarter to be exact. This was the reality for the dedicated staff before Caritas Switzerland introduced the Powerblox (PBX) system.

Within just six months, four Powerblox (PBX) units brought a dramatic change. No more struggling with inadequate lighting. Reliable electricity enabled the center to offer life-saving 24-hour laboratory service. Previously serving a maximum of 50 patients daily, the lab can now handle 150 patients around the clock.

The benefits extend far beyond nighttime operations. Medical staff now have access to the internet for professional updates, allowing them to stay current on best practices. Additionally, the ability to charge phones, print medical reports, and support outlying health posts with hard copies of reports has significantly improved efficiency. Even a simple television in the reception area helps keep waiting patients entertained.

Powerblox (PBX) is more than just a lighting solution; it’s a game-changer. It provides reliable power for lights, refrigerators, printers, and sterilization machines, ensuring a clean environment. Importantly, it’s a cost-effective solution, freeing up resources to focus on delivering quality healthcare.

The Kulcha health center management sees Powerblox not just as a solution, but as an investment in the future. Expanding their energy capacity means reaching even more people, solidifying their role as a central pillar of health and well-being in their community.
