Impact Stories

Enlightening educational journey- Stretching the legacy of the school to the hub of knowledge and entertainment

Number ofPBXs used



For forty years, Danisa primary school in Medawolabu woreda, Ethiopia, stood in the shadow of its own potential. Darkness shrouded the classrooms, hindering education and snuffing out dreams. Then came 2024, and a ray of sunshine brighter than any the students had ever seen – Powerblox (PBX), a solar technology subsidized by Caritas Switzerland. Four units arrived, and with them, a complete metamorphosis.

Imagine a school transformed. No longer a place of hushed voices and limited resources, Danisa bloomed into a vibrant hub of learning. Teachers, once restricted by the lack of electricity, now embrace laptops and printers, their lessons illuminated by the federal curriculum’s latest resources. The library, once a quiet space during the day, now pulsates with activity after school as students delve into its expanded resources.

The most dramatic change might be in the eyes of the students themselves. Gone are the days of long commutes that dimmed their motivation. The school now pulsates with a magnetic energy – multimedia presentations showcasing hidden talents, evening sports played under a floodlit sky, and educational programs on DSTV that broaden their horizons beyond their rural community.

This transformation isn’t confined to the classroom walls. Mr. Ebisa, the school director, can finally ditch the expensive trips to the city. His laptop and printer, powered by the sun, allow him to generate reports and participate in virtual meetings with ease. The community has noticed too. Adults, inspired by the school’s vibrancy, are signing up for evening classes, basking in the light of knowledge and the convenience of mobile charging stations. Plans to rent out power to far-off households might be on hold, but adults who once learned under trees in distant locations now flock to Danisa for a more enriching experience.

But Danisa’s ambitions reach far beyond academics. It has become a beacon for the community. Government offices and religious institutions hold events within its walls, leveraging the reliable Wi-Fi, charging facilities, and power supply. Even with other schools nearby, Danisa’s innovative use of the PBX system makes it the preferred venue for staff meetings and planning sessions.

The future burns bright at Danisa. An ICT program is on the horizon, promising to empower both students and the community. Refrigerators hum with cool drinks, sports facilities beckon energetic youth, and the promise of a soft drink adds a touch of sweetness to their exertions. Danisa Primary School is no longer just a place of learning; it’s a vibrant hub where education and recreation converge, a testament to the transformative power of embracing new technologies. From a school shrouded in darkness, Danisa has become a beacon of hope, illuminating not just its classrooms, but the future of the entire community
